[furcas-discussion] Where are things?
Thomas Goldschmidt
thomas.goldschmidt at de.abb.com
Thu Jul 14 09:14:23 CEST 2011
Hi Stephan,
I worked on some of the problems this week. One thing I fixed was the -
too early - consistency checking of TBs in the merging process. This fixed
some of the errors in the OperatorTestCases. However, due to a problem in
reference resolving the tests are not green yet. I can anyway push these
fixes, perhaps they may also help you.
Thomas Goldschmidt
Associate Scientist
Industrial Software Technologies
Forschungszentrum Deutschland
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Stephan Erb <stephan at dev.static-void.de>
Sent by: furcas-discussion-bounces at lists.furcas.org
14.07.2011 02:52
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Re: [furcas-discussion] Where are things?
On Sun, 2011-07-10 at 11:36 +0200, Stephan Erb wrote:
> No problem for the tests :-). Actually, these are not just some random
> tests, but my materialized hope to present a working FURCAS/PCM Editor
> during the upcoming final semester presentation (taking place in 2
> weeks, but I have to create the screencasts a few days earlier).
> Given our progress during the last weeks, it does not seem likely that
> we can finish the bugs on time.
I am running out of time, so here is a patch with some workarounds that
'fix' 5 testcases. The patch is only fixing symptoms, because some of
these TB merging, grammar generation concepts and invariants seem to be
over my head.
A short explanation of the changes:
* Property inits (silently?) fail in OperatorTemplates with
right-associative (unary) operators . SetOCLRef uses
input.LT(-1) in order to find the token belonging to the current
template. The way right-associative operator templates are
mapped to ANTLR grammars, SetOCLRef ends up being called before
the operator is consumed and will therefore retrieve the wrong
token. Thus, any code relying on DelayedReference.token might do
something random.
* I don't trust that EcoreHelper.isAlive is doing the right thing
in all cases. We cannot differentiate between newly created
TBs / model elements that have not yet been assigned to a
resource and the ones we have deleted explicitly. I commented
most isAlive calls because those seem to be more or less
optional and were only required to prevent crashes in MOIN.
* The TextBlocks merging in reuseTextBlockInternal is sometimes
working on invalid data: It performs a recursive descend and
folds empty TextBlocks at the end of each recursion level.
However, within sub-Blocks it sometimes needs to traverse the
current TB hierarchy up again and then fails because it hits the
empty but not-yet-deleted TextBlocks that are subject to
modification on a higher recursion level. I've implemented a
crude hack in getOriginalVersion to prevent some obvious
I will report back from the FZI if these workarounds are of any value
for the real-world usecase.
[attachment "workarounds.patch" deleted by Thomas Goldschmidt/DEABB/ABB]
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