[furcas-discussion] Where are things?

Stephan Erb stephan at dev.static-void.de
Sun Jul 10 11:36:09 CEST 2011

Hey Thomas,

On Fri, 2011-07-01 at 14:25 +0200, Thomas Goldschmidt wrote:
> Concerning the recent development from my side: Stephan created lots
> of new test cases for the incremental parser (thanks again for that!).
> Some of the tests were failing and I already fixed some but there are
> still some that are currently failing and are therefore ignored. I hop
> to have the chance to look into these during the next week(s). 

No problem for the tests :-). Actually, these are not just some random
tests, but my materialized hope to present a working FURCAS/PCM Editor
during the upcoming final semester presentation (taking place in 2
weeks, but I have to create the screencasts a few days earlier).

Given our progress during the last weeks, it does not seem likely that
we can finish the bugs on time.

As I've mentioned in my last mail to you, I planned on create a few more
tests cases and to dig into some of these problems. Unfortunately I
didn't manage to do so.

Do you think disabling the incremental parsing of the parser can provide
us more stability? If the relexingNeeded and childrenChanged state of
TextBlocks is never reset, we will always reparse the entire document
and might not hit the buggy paths?

Best Regards,

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