[furcas-discussion] Where are things?

Axel Uhl axel.uhl at gmx.de
Fri Jul 1 10:49:52 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I'm back from Kiel Week and the OCL 2011 workshop and my brain is slowly 
starting to clear up :-). I wonder where things are with FURCAS right 
now. Is our Bugzilla our "backlog?" Any other sources where we can know 
what the big open issues are?

I still feel that the refactoring that I started which was intended to 
remove the DelayedReference... stuff still hasn't completed, or has 
anyone continued with that?

Where are things regarding the pretty-printer? What about the IMP 
migration? Do we have usable editors? Does the wizard work?

I have three potential use cases.

  1) With an old friend who is a professor at ETH Zurich I discussed his 
need for a DSL for high-performance computing. He seems to have very 
precise ideas regarding the design of a DSL that can be compiled to 
extremely efficient code afterwards. I thought this may be an 
interesting use case for evaluating where FURCAS currently stands.

  2) OCL: Thomas made an effort to manage OCL expressions using FURCAS. 
Where has this gone?

  3) SAP Sailing Program: We are now starting the second phase of this 
project, after Kiel Week is over. One of the things I really found 
annoying (perhaps because I don't know appropriate frameworks helping 
with this task) was the construction of RESTful services. We did this 
manually, implementing the doGet method of a servlet, fiddling with 
parameters and synthesizing a JSON output document using the simpleJSON 
library. What a nightmare. No documentation of the parameter signatures 
and the output. All buried in the code. How nice would it be to have a 
simple DSL that allowed us to express the argument types, dependencies, 
signatures as well as the JSON output document structure?

What do you think? Is FURCAS mature enough for any of these three use cases?

-- Axel

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